Colorado is facing a teacher shortage now, and in 5 years almost 40% of the current teachers will be eligible for retirement. So that called for a state study to find out "whatsup". In some locals the starting salary is at poverty level.Housing costs are beyond even some lower middle class familys income..WHY would anyone spend a ton of money to get a degree that entitles them to food stamps, and living in a car?This isn't only colorado, the trup budget calls for more cuts to education. It looks like our great grand children might grow up to be morons. There are several options for morons to receive college degrees in the future. Nude basket ball, 7 ft high baskets. Ncaa nerf baseball programs, with only 2 bases[stops some contenders fro getting lost].My grand kids are grown up, educated, and don't owe thousands to pay for the degrees they have.