Speak the Truth Clearly

Humanity in the past has been perceived through eyes of limited experience. Everything we see in the universe is black, cold and empty, and yet, here we sit in blue skies. Our cultures, artwork and dreams have been sparked, informed and dictated by this limited experience. Today, we are going through an exponential rate of change due to the information we are gathering in such a short time. The way we perceive the world is changing very fast. Even travel time to places around the world is being shortened to a few hours. As we go forward, our children will experience things we cannot even dream of today; however, these new shared experiences and accelerated knowledge will come with a price. Social medias will influence our behaviors without us even realizing it. False prophets can manipulate large numbers of people with a tap on a window. False facts can be power to bring down world leaders. Personal communication and relationships will suffer from the lack of human contact. Future societies will become more and more global. All will share diseases and pestilence from around the world. It will be become increasingly difficult to identify one’s enemy. Some say there is peace in silence, but there comes a calm before every storm. The time is fast approaching when even the blue skies will not be trusted. These things should not be surprising to us. The Bible speaks about these truths. We must always speak the truth clearly.

Roy L. (Bonefish) Nave