So it was revealed today that Jim Tressel received a "less than satisfactory" rating in 2006 by Ohio State for his timeliness in reporting violations (really, who saw that one coming). Funny how the more OSU is trying to cover their butts the more they keep putting egg on their own face. OSU President Gordan Gee or Gordon Joke as I call him, said he was hoping Tressel would not fire them a few months ago. Surely Gordon Joke saw the performance evaluation of his own head football coach who is responsible for bringing in MILLIONS to the university. Surely Gordon Joke knew he could not keep burying incriminating evidence forever and if he did he is dumber than I thought. I hope the NCAA rules committee makes up for all their gross idiotic mistakes by absolutely throwing the book, backpack, book mobile and library at Ohio State. It will be pretty funny watching Gordon Joke announcing his resignation on live TV and riding off into the sunset with his pink and purple plaid bowtie between his legs.