With all the panic about the Asian carp menace,its here, and an Illinois firm is marketing some in china,the state gave a 2 million dollar grant for a small start up plant.Two million is chicken feed, compared to what the federal subsidies are to the agriculture interested in this country.Of course if congress handled it, a 100 million dollar grant would wind up lost and mismanaged.10 million would go for a study[McCain].10 more would go for a marketing stride, which would send 100 congressmen to different places where folks might enjoy a carp dinner[paris,london,berlin, tokyo].An environmental study, another million, lawyers fees associated with the pros and cons of government intervention in the free market.. In the end a 10 million dollar plant will be built either in Nevada or Florida,and after transportation costs the price of these almost worthless carp would approach 5 bucks a pound.